Expert I admire

The expert I would choose is Carl Hamond
He is an expert musician or composer in everything regarding to jazz.
He was a teacher in here, at universidad de Chile, I don't remember if one year ago or two... something like that. But last year he was not officially teaching here anymore.
However, he was still here, last year he shared his knowlegde just for love and conviction, and the students tryed to pay him back for his job, but he didn't accept it.  I admire him because he was still supporting the big band in here,and worked with the students to restablish the big bang in the facultad de artes. Today, they finally did it. The big band is gaining more spaces and value in here for the authorities, at least more than last year.
I know all this because last year I was in a project which intended to become the big band dancers company, so we talked and gathered many times. Also I have some friends who are in the big band from this university.


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